Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Experiential Pants

Happiness derived from anything material is extremely shallow. It is like cotton candy, that melts into nothing even before you've savoured enough of it. Materialistically derived pleasure has a shelf life,an expiration date; a very short one at that.

I buy a tee, and be happy for a day.. I buy a pair of sneakers and be happy for a week, I buy a car and be happy for a few months. But that's all about it. Beyond that, these things hold no relevance to me at all.

True happiness is derived from the experiences that you undergo, the memories you make, the heartwarming bonds you contrive with people.

I nostalgically reminisce the times I set out travelling, the excitement of discovering the unseen, the encounters I had on the way. I don't remember the clothes I wore or the accessories that adorned me at any point in time. I only remember the moments I created.
The experiences that travel offer are beyond compare and worth every single penny.

I also fondly recall the beautiful bonds I created with people. The bliss of discovering a true connection, the feeling of being in love, the soulful friendships, the rich conversations, the mushy yet sincere expressions of affection, the fights, the umpteen reconcillations. These manage to automatically put a smile on my face everytime.

I don't know if this is a beginning of a new awakening or just a phase, but I'm truly becoming more of a spiritual person and I'm totally loving it. I think one particular incident sparked off a change in me. Let me recount it to you.

The other day,  I went to Miramar beach along with my parents. Suddenly the electricity went. We were left with nothing but darkness around and some stars in the sky. I decided to lay down on the sand watching the stars  as the cool sea breeze brushed past me.

Soon my dad followed lead. We engaged in some rich  conversations and some richer silences  as we lay looking upon the sky. There was a strange sense of calm, a feeling of absolute content. I would have loved to have that moment frozen for eternity had I a chance.

Suddenly It dawned upon me  that this is what matters at the end of the day, these happy conversations, the times we spend in the company of each other, are what I'm going to cherish for a lifetime and take to grave. You see,  it is the little things that give the greatest happiness.

This very awakening transformed my unquenchable obsession of owning 'stuffs' and shifted my focus to owning experiences. I had turned into a true blue materialist being swayed by the thought of shopping and ending up buying things I won't even use after a point. None of these clothes made me feel any better about myself, until I realised maybe I should just chuck this superficial way of gratification.

With all the social media apps floating around, it isn't difficult to drown in the malaise of materialism. I too have been a victim of hoarding 'things' until now. And life has never gotten better I tell you.

So I'd say, let go of your ostentations and put on your experiential pants. Be a hoarder of experiences.

It isn't what you look from the outside, but what you feel from within that truly matters. So whilst you spend all the money on decorating your exterior self, be sure you aren't barren from within. Make it a point to  nurture our inner being coz that's all what will be left when all else is gone.

Love, Harsha 

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