Wednesday, October 7, 2020

A World Free From the Throngs of Patriarchy

‘’In a world that is accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression’’ - Franklin Leonard

We all know that our society is deeply entangled in the webs of patriarchy. Patriarchy is so deep-seated and so normalized that most of us are oblivious of its existence. Patriarchy has far-reaching consequences, beyond the realms of our imagination, and once you wake up to it, you can barely go back to sleep! You realize that patriarchy has marked its territory everywhere and once that enlightenment hits you, you simply cannot ignore it.  Any attempts to diverge from the patriarchal norms is always seen as a threat by the society.

Image source:

Have you ever wondered what a world without patriarchy would be like? I am sure you must have! Here’s my idea of a world that is free from the shackles of patriarchy.

  1. Women wouldn’t be objectified.

Women’s body wouldn’t be sexualized to the point that they live in constant anxiety about someone violating their personal boundaries. A woman who chooses to move around in a pair of shorts wouldn’t be seen an attention seeker or having loose morals, but somebody who just likes to wear shorts. Women wouldn’t have to schedule their outings based on the times of the day and stay in the confines on their homes once dusk hits. 

  1. Pati wouldn’t be Parmeshwar ( Husband wouldn’t be equated to God)

Husbands would be seen as human and not divine beings. There would be mutual respect between the partners and respect wouldn’t mean putting the man on a pedestal or worshipping the ground he walks on or constantly being at his service. The men would be as accountable to do home chores as much as the woman and caring for his off-springs wouldn’t be termed baby sitting, but nurturing, and looked at as an integral part of his paternal duties.

  1. Menstruation wouldn’t be a Taboo!

Menstruating women wouldn’t be seen as impure or inauspicious but as people going through a very natural phenomenon that is the reason for humanity’s existence! Women would be allowed to go about their normal life and not be boycotted or shamed for something that is nobody’s business other than the person going through it.

  1. Independent women 

Women wouldn’t be seen as a burden or a responsibility that is transferred from one male authority to another. Women would be educated and made financially independent and not conditioned to feel dependent on a man for her existence. This financial independence would lead  her to live life on her own terms rather than being a puppet at someone else’s hands. 

Image source:

  1. No gender norms

Men wouldn’t have to be breadwinners and women wouldn’t have to be caretakers by default. House-husbands would as much be acceptable as house-wives and men wouldn’t consider it a threat to their ‘masculinity’ to have their wife earn while they choose to be a stay at home father/husband. 

These are some excerpts from the world of my dreams, where all genders coexist in harmony and nobody is above or below and everyone has the freedom to be their own person without being pressurized to abide by a set of norms thrusted upon them since birth. 

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A World Free From the Throngs of Patriarchy

‘’In a world that is accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression’’ - Franklin Leonard We all know that our society is deeply ent...